Ok, for the good cuz there is some good here. This is an addictive, visually appealing game with nice play options but...
1) Common guys.. $200 to start off with. I mean you should be my wife giving me such a paultry amount to begin wilth especially since THIS IS A GAME and not a reality generator because I would never go into a casino to build up my bankroll to a playable amount like I have to here. Im sure not many like playing at such low levels (between $1 and $1000). Do you know how many all ins I would have to win to get up to a usable bank for a GAME??? And by usable to even get to Martingale levels for me is 5-digits. It takes nearly 6 straight all in wins and thats hard to get with your "Killer" of a dealer.
2) Speaking of Killer, it seems like when I do get up to a 5-digit bankroll and go heavy or all in, as it provokes me to do, it studders and really trys hard to dish out that card even if its a bust card. Is it personal to him to reach deep and give me a win? It should be ME who sweats out that hand not him but obviously a bug that needs to be fixed.
3) Appears the game has a problem with a triple split of cards.. No option
4) The +/- deck strength is useless cuz too many times Ive been busted playing a double-deck and had a heavy + (7 or above) and gotten **** in return. Ive actually done better and lost less when it been a dealers deck than a players.
5) Is it me or does the dealer seem to get a load of small cards when it shows an Ace and actually has to build a hand.. more than lets say.. I do???
6) Anyone, and I mean anyone let me know if you have even reached the achievement "Win 10 hands in a row"? Id venture to say less than 5% have.. goes to speak about the dealer.
I know this might seem hard to do but let loose of some of your chips and start us out at lets say $10,000 so some of us can build up without trying for hours to get to that amount. Also fix the problem with your stingy dealer and his hard to deliver cards in a 5-digit all in or +$20K level and this addictive, at times frustrating, cant go a day without playing game would be 5-stars for sure. Lets get it right for 1.1.2 guys!!!
2StealthGTi about Blackjack 21